Friday, September 9, 2011

There's Always Hope

After my first couple days of classes, I was a bit disappointed in student behavior and their attitude toward learning, but the last couple of days have gone much better.  I'm not too annoyed by ability, but, man, can a crappy attitude dampen the spark to teach.  I've noticed the Japanese teachers I work with feel more comfortable in the lead role, which is fine, given the fact that the foreign assistants have yet to stay or be assigned at their school for more than a year.  I find that I'm also a lot more relaxed playing the supporting role, helping out those kids that care, and being able to play "good cop."  There's no point in trying to come in as the Great White Savior, stir things up, and then leave someone else to clean up the mess when I leave next summer.  Best to assist where I can, bring what I can to the table, and make a difference where possible without stressing about the things I can't change. So, two days of good classes in a row... There's hope!

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