Thursday, September 15, 2011

Sports Day Preparations

So, like I said yesterday, the Sports Festival is at least as much misery as fun.  Today, I spent the first four and a half hours of the day with students sitting under the hot sun while small groups of various students were called out and lead through the routine of how things would go once the big day actually arrives.  I wore sunscreen and a hat, but the students weren't even allowed to use their towels to cover their heads or laps to protect from sunburn, which most of them were quite obviously getting as time wore on.  Again, the whole event is meant to teach camaraderie and endurance, so they were cheerfully encouraged and sometimes scolded, but for "the second worst school" in the city, I thought they did a pretty good job of taking it all in stride.  As for me, I stayed inside after lunch and read my book.

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